Fusion-bonded plate heat exchangers
Alfa Laval’s patented AlfaFusion bonding technology creates highly efficient, compact heat exchangers made entirely of stainless steel. Virtually maintenance free and capable of handling extremely high pressures and temperatures, they are an ideal heat transfer solution for challenging applications. These include duties with high cleanliness demands, with aggressive media such as ammonia, or where copper or nickel pose contamination risks.
Sustainable Heat Transfer
- 100% stainless steel construction means 100% recyclability
- Resists corrosion from aggressive media and process fluids
- Prevents nickel or copper-contamination when working with drinking water or any other hygienic fluid
- AlfaFusion technology enables higher temperature resistance than traditional brazed heat exchangers with same high-pressure capabilities
- Optimized plate design with asymmetric channel configuration provides maximum efficiency in demanding heating and cooling applications
AlfaNovaTW® 66: the latest in 100% stainless steel innovation
You can’t compromise. So we don’t either. For minimizing metal contamination in tap water duties, no heat exchanger gives you more confidence than Alfa Laval’s AlfaNovaTW. With the launch of the larger capacity AlfaNovaTW 66, this range offers solutions for domestic water installations big and small, as well as a wide scope of other HVAC heating and cooling applications.

How it works
Alfa Laval fusion-bonded plate heat exchangers are carefully engineered to ensure the greatest possible thermal performance within the smallest possible footprint. Watch this animation to learn more about their basic operation.
When nickel and copper just won’t do
In applications with high hygiene demands, all equipment must conform to the strictest standards. For drinking water applications in particular, where protecting consumer health is a top concern, preventing the possibility of nickel and copper contamination has become a critical issue. As a result, more and more OEMs are seeking heat exchanger solutions for clean water chiller and tap water heating systems that do not use these metals.
Built in 100% stainless steel, AlfaNova heat exchangers are an optimal choice when nickel and copper just won’t do. In addition to providing peace of mind when it comes to hygiene, they also offer much higher efficiency than traditional copper and nickel-free solutions used for these duties.
Interested in learning more? Visit our Heating & Cooling Hub to find useful information for critical applications and tools for identifying the right solution for you.
Unique features to boost your performance
With more than 80 years of experience in heat transfer innovation, Alfa Laval knows what it takes to deliver high-performance solutions for any application. Our experts continuously develop new innovations that give our fusion-bonded plate heat exchangers more reliable and efficient performance.
100% stainless steel
Built with 100% stainless steel, AlfaNova® is a solution that Alfa Laval offers for applications that use media not compatible with traditional heat exchanger materials. Not only is this advanced design optimized for use with natural refrigerants, it’s also completely recyclable.
Kinerja termal yang unggul
Desain pelat asimetris Alfa Laval yang dipatenkan adalah salah satu dari banyak inovasi unik yang memberikan peningkatan efisiensi termal berkat penurunan tekanan yang dioptimalkan dan peningkatan turbulensi. Tidak hanya mengurangi konsumsi energi, tetapi juga mengurangi volume refrigeran dan bahan baku.
Investasi andal untuk refrigeran masa depan
Sebagai penggerak inovatif dalam pengembangan solusi untuk refrigeran alami, Alfa Laval sangat berpengalaman dalam menghasilkan produk yang memungkinkan penggunaan refrigeran generasi baru dan rendah GWP untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan keberlanjutan dan segala peraturan legislatif.
Dukungan total – dengan opsi nilai tambah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda
Dapatkan akses ke berbagai alat serta pakar aplikasi dan produk Alfa Laval. Dukungan ValuePlus mencakup semua dokumentasi, persetujuan, dan sertifikasi selain rangkaian aksesori yang terus berkembang. Berkat keahlian pembuatan prototipe dan pengujian Alfa Laval serta kemampuan manufaktur skala besar kami, Anda selalu dapat menikmati pengiriman cepat, pemasangan dan pengoptimalan yang mudah, dan kepatuhan penuh terhadap peraturan apa pun.
Kekuatan untuk tugas menantang yang tak tertandingi
Desain pelat inovatif kami mendukung jangkauan aplikasi bersuhu dan bertekanan tinggi terluas. Unit dapat berjalan menggunakan pelat yang lebih tipis dan lebih sedikit, yang berarti penggunaan bahan baku lebih sedikit, konsumsi energi lebih rendah, biaya refrigeran berkurang, dan siklus hidup peralatan lebih lama.
Guidance from leading experts
AlfaNova: true stainless steel
Want to see the difference that steel can make in your application? Get all the facts about AlfaNova, the 100% stainless steel heat exchanger built with our patented AlfaFusion process.
Refrigeran masa depan
Ingin tahu tentang pasar refrigeran saat ini? Pakar kami dapat membantu Anda memahami perubahan yang terjadi dan memberikan panduan untuk memilih refrigeran terbaik untuk kebutuhan Anda.
Efisiensi energi
Kemajuan dalam inovasi penukar panas memungkinkan untuk mencapai efisiensi energi yang jauh lebih besar dari peralatan Anda. Kami memperkenalkan fitur terbaru untuk meningkatkan keberlanjutan dalam aplikasi Anda.
Kesederhanaan untuk bisnis Anda
Alfa Laval membuat pemilihan penukar panas yang tepat menjadi lebih mudah. Pelajari tentang alat kami yang dapat membantu Anda memilih teknologi yang tepat untuk bisnis Anda saat diperlukan.
Contact us
Do you have questions about our portfolio of brazed and fusion bonded plate heat exchangers? We can work with you to find the optimal model to fit your specific needs.