Shutter valves
Alfa Laval shutter valves are hygienic three-way valves that divert the flow of products that are highly viscous, contain large particles, or have strict requirements on minimizing pressure loss. Compact, reliable and pressure-shock resistant, these valves can be operated in manual or automatic (pneumatic) mode. They are engineered for use across the food, chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries with high requirements for process and product hygiene.
Simple, straightforward inline three-way valves that easily divert fluids that are highly viscous, contain particles, or require minimal pressure loss
- Low flow restriction enables viscous liquids and liquid containing particles to flow easily through the valves
- Simple, straightforward and hygienic design easily integrates into various pipelines and systems
- Long-lasting, easy operation and maintenance due to few quality components and moving parts
- Easy, three-way routing of products when used with either manual handles or flexible, easy-to-select pneumatic actuators
- Compact, convenient, space-saving three-way valves
Get more uptime using Alfa Laval shutter valves to route your viscous liquids and liquids containing particles with minimal pressure losses – easily and conveniently.
Engineered for ease of routing, high hygiene, low maintenance and safe operation, these valves meet the demands of easy passage of fluids through the hygienic processing systems as well as easy, convenient and thorough Cleaning-in-Place.
How does shutter valves work?
Alfa Laval shutter valves consist of rigid bodies with an internal cylindrical bore, a PTFE shutter and three ports for pipe connection. The two lids have guide rings for an internal shaft, which supports and positions the shutter.
The valves are operated either manually by means of stainless-steel handles or automatically by means of compressed air using pneumatic actuators. A spring system presses the shutter against the inside cylindrical surface of the valve body thereby ensuring complete tightness.
Manually operated valves can be fitted with indication units installed laterally. The valve actuator is available in two versions: a single-acting actuator or a double-acting actuator. The actuator consists of a system of cylinders and one or two main pistons interconnected with a toothed bar, which interacts with a gear wheel on the valve shaft.
The pneumatic actuator of automated valves can be fitted with an Alfa Laval ThinkTop® V50 or V70 control unit, or an Alfa Laval indication unit installed laterally for remote indication of the valve position.
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Katalog Close at hand tentang katup
Super mudah: Katup higienis Alfa Laval untuk memastikan aliran fluida paling efisien dalam alur proses Anda. Katalog 'Close at hand' kami memperinci semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk menentukan solusi aliran yang optimal untuk proses Anda. Nikmati proses bebas kontaminan, keamanan dan waktu operasional yang lebih tinggi, penghematan biaya yang lebih besar, serta produktivitas yang lebih baik.

Layanan untuk katup higienis
Untuk memastikan waktu operasional yang berkelanjutan dalam proses higienis Anda, perpanjang masa pakai katup higienis Anda. Dengan menjadikan Alfa Laval sebagai mitra layanan, Anda dapat mengakses jaringan layanan dan ahli kami di seluruh dunia, serta dukungan lokal jika diperlukan. Manfaatkan berbagai layanan kami untuk mengoptimalkan proses Anda – kapan pun, di mana pun.

Kembangkan bisnis Anda. Optimalkan sistem penanganan fluida Anda – secara berkelanjutan
Jadikan proses Anda lebih efisien dan berkelanjutan sekaligus mencapai kepatuhan peraturan serta memastikan bisnis Anda berkembang pesat. Dengan Pengoptimalan Berkelanjutan dari Alfa Laval, Anda dapat menghemat energi hingga 80% dan hemat air serta media pembersih hingga 90%, sekaligus meminimalkan limbah. Baik untuk manusia. Baik untuk bumi. Baik untuk profitabilitas.

Wujudkan strategi keberlanjutan Anda
Tingkatkan kehematan energi dan air serta kurangi emisi dari jalur pemrosesan higienis Anda. Buletin bulanan kami, near, akan mengulas tentang bagaimana Alfa Laval dapat membantu Anda dalam meningkatkan performa lingkungan dalam industri susu, makanan, minuman, perawatan pribadi di rumah, dan farmasi. Apa yang baik untuk manusia dan bumi juga baik untuk bisnis Anda.