Ball valves
Alfa Laval ball valves are versatile full-bore valves that enable full fluid flow with zero flow restriction and minimal pressure drop. This enables easy transfer of viscous liquids or liquids containing particles through hygienic processing lines. Fully piggable, these ball valves ensure easy, reliable product recovery and optimal plant performance. Ideal for use across a wide range of industries, including the food, beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
Safe, economical and durable full-bore hygienic ball valves
- Safe, hygienic design with FDA-compliant product-wetted elastomers and optional cavity cleaning or cavity fillers to prevent contamination and loss
- Optimizes product recovery and complete cleanability of the valve bore and pipeline due to the full-bore, piggable design
- Minimized pressure losses, especially when handling high-viscosity liquids
- Zero flow restriction makes handling liquids containing large particles easy
- Durable, water hammer-safe and versatile operation with choice of automated or manual control
Ensure improved plant productivity and full process flow through your processing lines with Alfa Laval ball valves. Straightforward operation due to the full-bore design enables viscous liquids and liquids containing particles to flow freely through processing lines.
Ball valves are available with either manual handles or maintenance-free pneumatic actuators. Actuators can be combined with intelligent valve control units with auto setup capabilities. Or let our experts select the optimal ball valves for your process requirements to secure ease of use, low pressure drops, minimized product losses, and higher yields.
How does ball valves work?
The Alfa Laval hygienic ball valve has a precision-made ball with a full bore positioned inside the valve body between two flanges and two PTFE valve seats. A 90° rotation of the valve stem opens or closes the valve. Either a pneumatic actuator or a manual handle with lockable positions enables valve operation.
Because the bore diameter matches the pipeline diameter, the viscous liquid or liquid containing particles is able to flow unobstructed through the valve and processing line with minimal pressure drop and minimal product loss. When the valve closes, the ball returns to its original position, tightly sealing the passage. Two inspection holes in the bonnet, connecting the valve body and actuator, make it easy to check that the stem seal is tight.
Along with the durable ball, a specially selected PTFE-grade material secures long valve lifetime. The use of spring-loaded, self-adjusting seal rings ensures reliable valve stem sealing. Valve screws enable assembly and disassembly for easy maintenance.
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Katalog Close at hand tentang katup
Super mudah: Katup higienis Alfa Laval untuk memastikan aliran fluida paling efisien dalam alur proses Anda. Katalog 'Close at hand' kami memperinci semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk menentukan solusi aliran yang optimal untuk proses Anda. Nikmati proses bebas kontaminan, keamanan dan waktu operasional yang lebih tinggi, penghematan biaya yang lebih besar, serta produktivitas yang lebih baik.

Layanan untuk katup higienis
Untuk memastikan waktu operasional yang berkelanjutan dalam proses higienis Anda, perpanjang masa pakai katup higienis Anda. Dengan menjadikan Alfa Laval sebagai mitra layanan, Anda dapat mengakses jaringan layanan dan ahli kami di seluruh dunia, serta dukungan lokal jika diperlukan. Manfaatkan berbagai layanan kami untuk mengoptimalkan proses Anda – kapan pun, di mana pun.

Kembangkan bisnis Anda. Optimalkan sistem penanganan fluida Anda – secara berkelanjutan
Jadikan proses Anda lebih efisien dan berkelanjutan sekaligus mencapai kepatuhan peraturan serta memastikan bisnis Anda berkembang pesat. Dengan Pengoptimalan Berkelanjutan dari Alfa Laval, Anda dapat menghemat energi hingga 80% dan hemat air serta media pembersih hingga 90%, sekaligus meminimalkan limbah. Baik untuk manusia. Baik untuk bumi. Baik untuk profitabilitas.

Wujudkan strategi keberlanjutan Anda
Tingkatkan kehematan energi dan air serta kurangi emisi dari jalur pemrosesan higienis Anda. Buletin bulanan kami, near, akan mengulas tentang bagaimana Alfa Laval dapat membantu Anda dalam meningkatkan performa lingkungan dalam industri susu, makanan, minuman, perawatan pribadi di rumah, dan farmasi. Apa yang baik untuk manusia dan bumi juga baik untuk bisnis Anda.