Tank leg and base plate
Alfa Laval tank feet provide fully adjustable support for free-standing tanks or vessels used in the brewery, food and beverage, personal care and biopharm industries.
Adjustable support
Made of durable AISI 304 stainless steel, the Alfa Laval range of tank feet provides adjustable support for tanks or vessels. The LKTC tank feet can stand either directly on the floor or, to ensure stability on uneven floor surfaces, on an optional stainless steel base plate. The Sphere Shaped tank feet are designed to stand on a base plate.
Sturdy, compact design
LKTC tank feet are available in three sizes (3/4”, 1” and 1-1/2”), and are capable of supporting maximum static loads of up to 160,000 N within an area of 7,800 mm2. The Sphere Shaped tank feet are available in five sizes (½”, ¾”, 1”, 1-1/4” and 1-1/2”) and are capable of supporting a maximum load of up to 19 tons.
Product Benefits
- Provides adjustable support for tanks or vessels
- Ensure stability on uneven floor surfaces
- Sturdy, compact design
How it works
The LKTC tank feet and Sphere Shaped tank feet consist of a cylindrical stainless steel piece that is welded onto the tank. The cylindrical piece houses an internal thread that fits onto and engages an adjustable cylinder-shaped spindle.
To adjust the tank feet to the optimal height, simply shorten or lengthen the spindle.
LKTC tank feet are designed to stand either directly on an even floor or on a stainless steel base plate where floor surfaces are uneven.
Sphere shaped tank feet can only stand on a steel base plate.
Part of a broad tank equipment range
Alfa Laval offers a comprehensive range of tank equipment intended for hygienic applications in the dairy, food, beverage,home care, personal care, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.
- Alfa Laval Relief valve
- Alfa Laval Sight glasses and light fittings
- Alfa Laval Tank leg and base plate
For a broader tank equipment range, explorer the different product categories: rotary jet heads, rotary spray heads, tank accessories and tank covers.

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Food Logic
Peralatan higienis Alfa Laval menggabungkan performa tinggi dengan penanganan yang cermat untuk mengawetkan bahan-bahan sensitif dan mengikuti tren industri makanan. Peralatan tersebut mengatasi empat tantangan utama; memasok produk makanan kepada konsumen dengan harga yang kompetitif, mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari bahan baku, mengurangi limbah dan emisi, dan menghasilkan produk makanan yang aman dan higienis.

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