De Carlo uses Sigma 6, Alfa Laval's latest olive oil decanter centrifuges for small-scale olive oil mills

For the last 50 years, the family-run olive oil producer De Carlo in Bitritto, Italy has been using Alfa Laval’s olive oil production equipment, including the latest Sigma 6 especially designed for small-scale olive oil mills.

DATE 2023-11-28

Suara pelanggan

De Carlo, Italy

We have been using Alfa Laval equipment for the last 50 years, because Alfa Laval is always focused on improving the quality and efficiency of their products.
This has allowed us, on the one hand, to improve the quality of our olive oil. And on the other hand, we have been able to optimize costs, reducing the consumption of water, improving temperature control, and improving the flexibility and adaptability of the decanter for the product.
Sigma 6 gave us two advantages: the first is that we save on energy needed to heat up the water, and we also eliminated the need to spread black water in the field.
As we see with Sigma 6, they can help us to simplify mill operations and, where it is possible, increase the quality of oil we produce.

- Francesco De Carlo, Quality and Production Manager of De Carlo Olive Oil. 

  • Outstanding oil quality as a result of very gentle product handling and minimal heating
  • The unique designs of the conveyor and bowl give Sigma 6 exceptionally high extraction efficiency, even at high flow rates
  • Very low solids content in extracted oil, resulting in lower load on the subsequent clarification stage and reduced downtime for flushing of the high-speed separator
  • Extra wear protection of the feed zone and solids outlet ensures high operating reliability and a long lifetime
  • Low water and energy consumption, no black water