Marine equipment and solutions for LNG as fuel


Helping you secure the gas advantage

A growing number of shipowners are powering their vessels with LNG. Whether you’ve already made that choice or are still exploring the possibilities, Alfa Laval can help you on your way. In over fifty years of work with gas, beginning with cargo and expanding into LNG as fuel, we’ve developed the equipment, knowledge and services to bring you effective solutions. From ensuring safety to boosting efficiency and further reducing emissions, you’ll find what you need to get maximum benefit from LNG.


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Products and solutions

Aalborg marine boiler solutions

Alfa Laval Aalborg dual-fuel boilers are more than an efficient solution for your steam and hot water needs. Able to handle both free flow and methane mixed with inert gas, they provide safe, effective ways to manage boil-off gas (BOG) and simplify operations connected with tank inspection.

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Heat exchangers

Alfa Laval has robust solutions for use in gas fuel supply systems, which place high demands on thermal equipment. The high-pressure FCM LNG makes use of diffusion-bonded printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) technology.

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Gas Combustion Unit

On LNG carriers, the Alfa Laval Gas Combustion Unit (GCU) is a safe, high-capacity solution for managing boil-off gas (BOG) when it cannot be used for propulsion. The simple – and therefore reliable – design is enhanced in the GCU 2.0, which is equipped for connectivity and has an even longer lifetime.

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Jaringan pelayanan bidang kelautan

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Jaringan pelayanan kami di bidang Kelautan berdedikasi untuk mendukung anda dengan suku cadang dan keahlian, di mana pun anda berada, kapan pun anda membutuhkannya. Dengan memastikan waktu operasional, ketersediaan, dan optimisasi yang lebih baik, kami membantu memberi anda kenyamanan bekerja, dan memaksimalkan keuntungan atas investasi anda.

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Untuk pelayanan pada bidang kelautan, silahkan hubungi
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Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre

Reliability is paramount in equipment for LNG use. Alfa Laval achieves it not only through years of experience, but also through extensive testing at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre. This unique facility has an entire section dedicated to ensuring safe, efficient gas operations.

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Get in touch

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We are here to help you

If you would like more information about equipment and solutions for LNG as fuel or a quotation for your vessel, please contact us.


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Detailed request