Dry dock services for marine fuel and lube oil separators
Dry docking presents an ideal opportunity to optimize your Alfa Laval fuel and lube oil separators and extend their lifetime. Our dedicated solutions ensure that your marine oil separators are well-equipped and prepared to continue operating efficiently for the years ahead. Make the most of this maintenance window to enhance separator performance and longevity, for example by upgrading to the latest technologies.

Why choose dry dock services from Alfa Laval?
Alfa Laval Marine Service experts are ready at our dry dock service centres near major shipyards, and they’re the right ones to care for your fuel and lube oil separators. Using our dry dock offerings will give you:
- Optimized and more reliable equipment
- Opportunities to improve your equipment and operations
- Lower operating costs over the next period at sea
- Increased system lifetime
- Increased engine lifetime through better cat fine protection
Performance Audit Marine
A Performance Audit can be seen as a regular health check of the Alfa Laval equipment on board. During a Performance Audit, our service expert inspects your installed equipment with the goal of optimizing performance.
Biofuel upgrade
Secure reliable and effective engine protection as you decarbonize with biofuels, achieving peace of mind with minimal expense. With an easy and cost-efficient upgrade for your existing Alfa Laval separator, you can ensure stable and efficient separation of both FAME and HVO.
Control system upgrade – EPC 50 to EPC 70
Future-proof separator uptime with a kit for seamless upgrading from the obsolete EPC 50 to the state-of-the-art EPC 70 control system. Built with modern hardware and compliant with material regulations, the EPC 70 ensures the availability of spare parts, simplifies troubleshooting and more.
EPC 60 Retrofit
If your older Alfa Laval oil separator has an EPC 400 or EPC 41 control system, upgrading to the EPC 60 control system can give it a lifetime extension. The EPC 60 offers improved alarms and troubleshooting, and its modern components mean readily available spare parts.
High-speed separator replacement
Swap older separators or other fuel and lube oil cleaning technologies for Alfa Laval’s latest high-speed separation technology. Doing so can cut energy consumption, reduce CO2 emissions, decrease sludge volumes, reduce maintenance costs and improve OPEX overall.
Other dry dock services
We can do even more to make the most of your vessel’s time in dry dock. Plan with us in advance to coordinate maintenance, overhauls and upgrades of multiple types of Alfa Laval equipment.
Contact us with your service needs
Alfa Laval Marine Service experts provide all you need to secure uptime and optimized performance from your Alfa Laval equipment. Contact your local sales company or use the link below to request a quote, ask for documentation or inquire about services, parts and support.

Alfa Laval Marine Service
We provide not just immediate support but also a full range of services – digital as well as physical. Turn to us to optimize performance, safeguard compliance, improve sustainability, boost efficiency and secure your peace of mind. You’ll find solutions for every stage of your equipment’s life cycle in our Alfa Laval Marine Service offering.