Tank mixers
Maximize uptime and yield with Alfa Laval tank mixers for hygienic and aseptic applications. Patented technology ensures efficient and uniform mixing of powders, liquids and gases while reducing the total cost of ownership. Compact, energy efficient and easy to maintain, these tank mixers enhance process flexibility, making quick, easy work of blending various product formulations with diverse viscosities, densities and volumes.
Tank mixing efficiency gentle mixing
- Maximize yields and minimize product loss
- Increase product quality due to minimal risk of contamination and optimal cleanability
- More uptime and greater process flexibility
- Quick, easy onsite maintenance
- Low energy consumption Focus on sustainability
Get unmatched process performance and higher yields from Alfa Laval tank mixers. Enjoy higher mixing efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and the highest standards of cleanability. These cost-effective tank mixers can disperse gas, powder, or liquid into a base liquid, mix down to the last drop, or handle double duty to clean the tank after mixing.
Let Alfa Laval tank mixers raise the standard of mixing efficiency to a new level across the dairy, food, beverage, brewery, and a broad range of applications that place demanding requirements on hygienic production.
How does tank mixers work?
Magnetic mixers and rotary jet mixers have different operating principles.
Rotary jet mixer nozzles feed the liquid, gas, or powder into the base liquid in the tank. The nozzles rotate around both horizontal and vertical axes in a 360° movement. This three-dimensional rotation enables fast, efficient mixing of the injected liquid, gas, or powder without requiring batch rotation. A circulation loop enables liquid to be pumped from the bottom of the tank and back into the mixer. For faster mixing requirements, several rotary jet mixers can be installed in series.
A magnetic mixer has a radial impeller installed inside the tank. Due to the torque from a magnetic coupling, the impeller rotates, mixing the fluid inside the tank. The patented design of the levitating impeller enables dry running, maximizing yield by mixing down to the last drop. It also ensures full drainability of the process fluids and the free flow of Cleaning-in-Place media and steam throughout the mixer, ensuring thorough cleaning.
Pelanggan Puas

International biotechnology company
Biotech firm achieves nearly 100% yield and thousands in recovered product.
Colorado Serum, USA
"Specifically, the Alfa Laval mixer has allowed us to generate a greater cell count, which equates to more doses and vaccines that we can sell. We consistently see a 30 to 50 percent increase in cell count"
Annie Ewing, microbiologist, Colorado Serum, USA
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Anda bisa menjadi pelanggan berikutnya yang puas. Kami sangat ingin membantu Anda!
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Close at hand catalogue about tank equipment
At your fingertips: Alfa Laval hygienic tank cleaning equipment to ensure fast, effective cleaning cycles that save energy and water. Our ‘Close at hand’ catalogue details everything you need for high cleaning efficiency with static spray balls, rotary spray heads and rotary jet heads. What you get is increased safety, more uptime, and greater productivity.

Services for Hygienic Tank Equipment
Get more out of your hygienic processing lines. Keep your Alfa Laval tank cleaning machines in top operating condition through services that extend the lifetime of your static spray balls, rotary spray heads and rotary jet heads. Let our global service network and local service experts optimize performance and provide you with total peace of mind.

Kembangkan bisnis Anda. Optimalkan sistem penanganan fluida Anda – secara berkelanjutan
Jadikan proses Anda lebih efisien dan berkelanjutan sekaligus mencapai kepatuhan peraturan serta memastikan bisnis Anda berkembang pesat. Dengan Pengoptimalan Berkelanjutan dari Alfa Laval, Anda dapat menghemat energi hingga 80% dan hemat air serta media pembersih hingga 90%, sekaligus meminimalkan limbah. Baik untuk manusia. Baik untuk bumi. Baik untuk profitabilitas.

Wujudkan strategi keberlanjutan Anda
Tingkatkan kehematan energi dan air serta kurangi emisi dari jalur pemrosesan higienis Anda. Buletin bulanan kami, near, akan mengulas tentang bagaimana Alfa Laval dapat membantu Anda dalam meningkatkan performa lingkungan dalam industri susu, makanan, minuman, perawatan pribadi di rumah, dan farmasi. Apa yang baik untuk manusia dan bumi juga baik untuk bisnis Anda.